Specialized alkaline, odorless, general-purpose detergent.Suitable for use in kitchens, floors, walls, tables, chairs,
textiles, vehicles, food stalls, schools, nursery stations, hospitals,
restaurants, cafes, bars, stadiums, refineries, hotels, waiting halls, public
areas and transportation means
Corn bran is a source of dietary fiber. They are used for gentle cleansing of the body, for adding to pastries, salads, soups. Reduce appetite.
Weight:200 g
Les gruau d'orge, comme son nom l'indique, est fait de grains d'orge. Selon la fragmentation, nous la divisons en orge de perle, c'est-à-dire des grains entiers sans échelles, bouillie country - orge et perle de perle brisée, qui est écrasée et polie. C'est une riche source de fibres - il a la plus variété d'orge perle. L'argent est une source de vitamines B - B1, B2, B6, Vitamine E, K, PP, acide folique et silicium, zinc, calcium, manganèse et cuivre. La vitamine K soutient le système circulatoire et la coagulation sanguine et renforce la structure des parois des vaisseaux sanguins. Les ingrédients minéraux et la vitamine E et l'acide folique soutiennent la lutte contre l'anémie. B Les vitamines du groupe présentes dans les graphiques aident à se débarrasser des effets du stress, à améliorer la mémoire et à la concentration, et à soutenir également le travail du système nerveux. & NBSP; <strong> Composition: </strong> Porridge & nbsp; <strong> Valeur nutritionnelle en 100 g </strong>
Among our 1700 available flavouring references, the standard gastronomic range of more than 250 flavourings will satisfy the majority of uses. All products listed below are available in bottles of 58ml, 115ml, 500ml, 1 litre, and in cans of 5 L, 10 L or 25 Litres.
Ürün Kodu: KRC-663
Ürün Ağırlığı: 110 Gr
Ürün Ölçüsü: 8x26x7 cm
Koli Ebadı: 465x335x200 mm
Koli KG: 2,640 kg
Koli İçi Adet: 24
Koli M3: 0,088 m3
Vos couvercles pour vos bols en carton kraft brun.
Disponibles sous 2 formats :
15 cm de diamètre
18.5 cm de diamètre
Choisissez votre couvercle en fonction de vos besoins.
Pet : Pour vos plats froids ou tiède.
PP : Pour vos plats chauds
Désignation:Couvercle en PP
Contenance:Bol compatible 500-750-1000 ml
Dimension:D : 15 cm
Prix unitaire:20,00 € HT Soit 0.067 € HT l'unité
See us for this valuable and high-in-demand baby food product.
This highly nutritious baby product is designed to help teething infants cope with the unease of growing teeth. It is also intended to act as a wonderful and great tasting snack which babies love.
The product is available in three flavors of natural, banana, as well as cocoa.
The package is designed specifically for the newborn market and to attract attention and sales.
DANALAC baby teething biscuits are made to easily dissolve in baby’s mouth and should be suitable for infants from six months old and up (under pediatrician’s direction of course).
DANALAC biscuits can also be soaked in warm water or milk which will be great for spoonfeeding infants.
Our baby biscuits are a wonderful addition to our collection of baby food solutions. We intend to help you in designing your market strategy to succeed in your local market.
Packing:in foil + paper box
Carton Color:Brown
Minimum order :one 20ft container
Quantity in one container:1250 cartons
Hem komple üretim hatları ve sistemleri hem de özel prosesler için buhar-enerji modülü, sıcak ve soğuk su sistemleri, aroma ilavesi, steril hava hazırlama, pektin hazırlama, kaldırma tertibatı, doldurma hunisi, kalite güvence tertibatları, dolum, CIP sistemi ve kumandalar gibi ek sistem bileşenleri gereklidir.
KASAG size bireysel Batch pişirme sisteminizi; meyve temel malzemesi, reçel, marmelat, sebze, soslar, komposto ve jöle üretimi için istediğiniz tüm özel bileşenler ile kurar.
Our dry nuts and dry fruits packaging is expertly designed to preserve the freshness, flavor, and nutritional value of your products. Made from high-quality, food-safe materials, these packaging solutions protect against moisture, air, and external contaminants, ensuring the long shelf life of your dry foods. Available in a variety of formats such as resealable pouches, stand-up bags, and custom-printed designs, our packaging provides both convenience and visual appeal. With options for eco-friendly materials and customizable branding, our dry food packaging is the ideal choice for businesses looking to offer safe, sustainable, and attractive solutions for their products.
Un Bee Wrap est un emballage alimentaire à base de cire d’abeilles , de résine de pin , d’huile végétale et de tissu . Il est réutilisable plusieurs années en permettant à vos aliments d’être conservés naturellement.
Minimum de Commande 5.
– Il s’utilise comme un film alimentaire ou papier aluminium traditionnel lors d’un pique nique ,d’ un goûter d’enfant ou pour protéger un aliment entamé au frigo!
Fabriqués à la main dans un atelier français, les tissus sont de certification Oeko-tex.
Afin de prolonger la vie de votre Bee Wrap, le lavage doit être effectué exclusivement à froid.
1 fois par an, il est vivement conseillé de réenduire votre bee wrap avec des galets prémélanges.
Composition Des Bee Wrap :
Cire d’abeilles, résine de pin, coton oekotex. L’alternative écologique au papier aluminium et au film plastique.
Nutritious milkshake LateMa is available in a large selection of flavors that children love. Its functional composition is developed by physicians and scientists. The components of milkshake support children’s growth and development.
Super Trend Pulses
The use of pulses in the snack, meat and dairy industries is rising and rising. Pulses are
seeds and plants that mature in a pod. They are harvested overripe, dried and, if
necessary, shelled. The legume genus includes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, lupins,
soybeans and peanuts. The following are exciting product ideas on the topic.
Nous nous adressons spécifiquement aux industries qui ont besoin de ces produits de haute qualité. Que ce soit pour la fabrication d'aliments, de produits pharmaceutiques, de cosmétiques ou pour d'autres applications industrielles, nous sommes en mesure de fournir selon vos besoins adaptés et demandes. Les clous de girofle, par exemple, sont prisés pour leur saveur unique et leurs propriétés médicinales.
Pour les clous de girofles, nous vous proposons un conditionnement sous 10kg.
Women’s Formula S2 is specifically adapted to the nutritional needs of women who are planning to get pregnant or already are, up until they finish breastfeeding.
Information from specialist literature for the use of Women’s Formula S 2:
Women’s Formula S2 is specifically adapted to the nutritional needs of women who are planning to get pregnant or already are, up until they finish breastfeeding.
Pregnant women require a larger amount of vitamins and minerals. The recipe of Women’s Formula S2 was developed according to current scientific knowledge and contains more than 25 active ingredients. In addition to a healthy and varied diet, gynaecologists recommend taking folic acid and other vital substances already at the time when a pregnancy is desired.
Specialità Gastronomica - Tortelli di Castagne
Tutta la produzione alimentare di Greci è venduta all'ingrosso e al dettaglio, sia fresca che congelata.
Full Fat Colostrum Powder 10
An agglomerated powder with a natural fat and lactose content, water and milk soluble. The powder is pure natural colostrum, without any additives, produced from liquid bovine colostrum - free from antibiotics- and
collected from best milk farms. Full Fat Colostrum Powder 10 is processed and spray dried in an especially to the Colostrum adopted manner, to maintain maximum bio-activity.
Agglomeration process makes it more water soluble and ideal for drink-mix, tablets and capsule applications.
Se obtiene aceite de semilla de frambuesa, como el nombre indica, como resultado de las piedras presionadas (semillas) de las frambuesas. Tiene una consistencia ligera, absorbe bien, deja la piel ligeramente hidratada y elástica. El aceite de semilla de frambuesa se usa con mayor frecuencia en el cuidado de la cara, la piel sensible, alérgica y seca, para los masajes y el cuidado del cabello. El 80% de esta composición del aceite son ácidos grasos insaturados (EFA)-Omega-3 y omega-6. Estos son ácidos grasos que son muy les gustan por cualquier tipo de piel, especialmente grasa, porque ayudan a regular los niveles de sebo y prevenir la formación de puntos negros. También conducen a nivelar el color, iluminar la decoloración y facilitar que los ingredientes penetraran en las capas profundas de la piel. El aceite también contiene vitaminas A y E.lejek tiene efectos anti -escritores, respalda el proceso de creación de elastina y colágeno, ralentiza el proceso de envejecimiento.
It is used to realize separating and grind process at the semolina passages in the flour diagrams, this process increases the yield of flour and consumes less energy comparing to other grinders
High stability on high capacity.
Can handle multiple ointment viscosity and types
Type of metal used S.S 316 / 304
Certifications ISO 90012015, OHSAS 180012007, ISO 500012011, ISO 450012018
Manual feeding system , automated feeding system is also available up to your request
Drum blender with paddles and gravity positioning flow system
Fast and automated powder storage release system .
HMI, PLC with SCADA system integrated for easy workflow
Tunnel conveyor transfer system for quick and easy powder transfer
Automatic weighing tower
Electropneumatic Automatic weighing cells
Vertical powder packaging machine
Available certification up on your request UL, CE, GMP, FDA, ASME.
Available documents up on your request I.Q (Installation qualification), O.Q Operational qualification), P.Q Performance qualification.
Powder:Production line
Chemicals:Production line
Szukasz regału, który nie tylko będzie funkcjonalny, ale również estetycznie dopełni wystrój Twojego sklepu? Regał ze sklejki to idealny wybór! Wykonany z naturalnego i ekologicznego materiału, jest nie tylko wytrzymały, ale również doskonale komponuje się z różnymi aranżacjami. Regał został zaprojektowany z myślą o optymalnej ekspozycji produktów ECO. Posiada szerokie półki, które pomieszczą różnego rodzaju artykuły spożywcze, przyprawy, a także inne produkty ekologiczne. Przejrzysta konstrukcja regału zapewnia łatwy dostęp do produktów dla klientów, a jednocześnie estetycznie je wyeksponuje.
Regał dostępny jest w wersji bejcowanej lub zadrukowanej. Bejcowana sklejka nada wnętrzu ciepły i naturalny charakter, natomiast zadrukowana może stanowić efektowny element dekoracyjny. Dodatkowo, oferujemy możliwość wykonania regału na zamówienie, dopasowując jego rozmiar i wygląd do Twoich indywidualnych potrzeb. Możesz wybrać wysokość, szerokość, a nawet kształt regału.
Wymiary:600x400x1900 mm
Material:Sklejka malowana, zadrukowana, bejcowana
Przeznaczenie:Sklepy, targi, hurtownie, magazyny
The Essentus® range of dynamic checkweighers offers four basic models for simple, precise weight and integrity checking of packaged foods and other products.
Easy to operate
Robust conveyer technology
A wide range of belt lengths and widths
Automatic learning function makes configuration easier (L/H performance)
A wide variety of options (L/H performance)
Automatic speed regulation (L/H performance)
Product applications:for food,for finished goods,for quality control
Applications:for the food industry,for industrial use,for the pharmaceutical industry,for the chemical industry
Product handling:conveyed products, conveyed packaged products
Protection class:IP 54 (standard), IP 65 (optional)
Material:Stainless steel
Other characteristics:with belt conveyor,dynamic